Rian hugged her again, trying to ignore the guy pointing at his watch and signalling he had to get on the plane ‘now’.
Genie glanced back at the floatplane as it impatiently revved its engines, a wisp of exhaust smoke drifting over them momentarily. She closed her eyes and let him go. Rian was trying to say something reassuring, but she wasn’t listening. She was kissing him goodbye; no point in pretending it wasn’t so. If he got into business school like he wanted, he’d be gone for four years. Unless she moved to the city too, this was the beginning of the end of Genie and Rian. He’d meet other girls, more sophisticated college girls, and slowly but surely, their love would die. She’d be this freak he once liked, but left behind. What was it Grandma used to say? ‘Love is like smoke, the scent of it lingers long after the fire is out.’
She snatched one last kiss and spun him around to face the plane.
‘Go, get on. Else they’ll leave you behind and then you’ll get mad at me.’
Rian stumbled as he grabbed his overnight bag. He had to run, as they were getting ready to close the door. Her waved his ticket at the flight crew and was in and quickly out of sight.
Genie turned away, she didn’t want to let him see she was crying. Yes, this most definitely the beginning of the end and it was entirely her fault. Renée had warned her not to let Rian out of her sight. ‘You can cut the rope and pray love won’t disappear, girl. But it starts dying from the moment he leaves’. It hadn’t helped any.
They would graduate school a year early. They had crammed for the SAT’s and to her amazement had both passed. Rian with such a high score he’d been already offered three places at colleges, even McGill wanted him. Being Rian, he was going for the one place that required an interview as well. Genie had never figured she’d score in mathematics at all, but she’d scored a pass and scored high in Critical Reading and Writing. All down to Marshall’s coaching, but now here were the consequences; Rian heading for an interview at Yaletown University Business School: aka YUBS.
The tiny floatplane was already building up speed on the lake, its engines roaring as it sought lift-off speed, the immense sound echoing off the mountain, scattering birds.
Genie turned to wave and watch it soar into the sky, but as it banked left into the glare of the sun she suddenly felt this terrible heaviness come over her. She sank to her knees, finding it difficult to breathe. She felt as if the whole sky was crashing down on her, pressing her body down into the grass.
She looked up, saw the plane was disappearing from view and knew with sudden absolute clarity that Rian was going to be killed. Not an immediate death in some great fireball, nothing like that. Nothing to do with the plane, she was sure of it. It was where he was going. She had a full on vision of him in agony, helpless, riven with pain, desperate to escape. She could feel his pain, sense his anger. She couldn’t breathe and she felt the life going out of her.
She forced the vision away, but then instantly wanted it back. Where was this? Who was doing it? Why? But just as quickly as the vision had come, it had vanished and left her prostrate on the grass, barely able to move a muscle.
Rian was gone and she didn’t have a way of warning him. He hadn’t taken a phone. Something really bad was going to happen to him and there was nothing she could do about it.
© Sam Hawksmoor 2021
'Desperate kidnappers, crazy experiments, the evil Reverend Schneider, a genuine love story, what's not to like about 'The Heaviness.'' Sara Troy PLV Radio
'Exciting, affectionate. Definitely recommended : Goodreads.com
Read The Heaviness an enduring story of young love facing a fantastic test of loyalty and devotion set in contemporary Vancouver. - Kit T
Genie and Renée have just 36 hours to find Rian or he dies. |
Moving Hay (*extract from The Heaviness)
Sam Hawksmoor
The time of the great experiment had arrived. Genie really didn’t think that Marshall was going to get Chris’ theories to work. He’d been trying for months now with no success, but it at least it made him happy. Happiness was a new experience for her;
it seemed to vanish like mist when you least expected it.

Marcel D’Agneau interviews Sam Hawksmoor as the third and final volume of The Repossession trilogy is published -
'Without a doubt, one of the best YA Sci Fi series out there' Evie Seo reviews The Hunting
*Look out for Sam's 'ANOTHER PLACE TO DIE: ENDTIME ' the story of four teens trying to survive a worldwide pandemic - & MARIKKA - a father desperately searching for a missing daughter - a strange mystery based on a true story |